The Mini Mag. ..... Volume No.3 No.3.... 2001
  March 2001

Volume 3 Index. | Article Index.
Minis in Malta.

In the December magazine we had a report from Tony Formosa on his overseas trip. In it he reported on the many Minis in Malta and the model shop owner he had meet whose son had Minis and raced them. The following is a letter Tony received from the son complete with photos.

Hi Tony,
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Robert Gauci from Malta. I am Godfrey’s son, the man that ownes the model shop in Sliema.

My father and I would like to thank you very much for the lovely photos and magazine you sent us. As my father already told you I own a racing Mini and a Morris Cooper Mk2 (1968), enclosed are a few photos. It is a pity that we did not meet before as I would have introduced you to the Mini club we have here in Malta. The club’s name is Team Mini 40 and we are round about one hundred and fifty members and the club is only in its first year.

In all I have had 54 Minis of all types from Cooper’s to Mk1 850 etc. I use my racing Mini for drag racing and I am doing very well as I have only been racing with it last year. I took part in the last two events of 1999 achieving two first places in bracket racing and one first and second in the Mini class.

Here in Malta it is very difficult to race against the very fast Ford Escorts although I have beaten the one in my class. At the time my best time is of 14.3sec, but my mechanic and I have better plans for this year. We would like to go down to the 12 seconds class, by using Nitrous Oxide. Well there is even more competition there.

When you come back to Malta please call and see us and we will show you some of Malta’s best Minis.

Best Regards,
Robert Gauci.